Scale Out and Update a Containerized Application on a Kubernetes Cluster

Mayank Chourasia
4 min readMay 10, 2021

This article will go through the lab to Scale-Out and Update a Containerized Application on a Kubernetes Cluster. This lab is similar to Build and Deploy a Docker Image to a Kubernetes Cluster.

The challenge contains 4 required tasks.

  1. Check that there is a tagged image in for echo-app:v2.
  2. Echo-app:v2 is running on the Kubernetes cluster.
  3. The Kubernetes cluster deployment reports 2 replicas.
  4. The application must respond to web requests with V2.0.0.

Challenge Scenario

You are taking over ownership of a test environment and have been given an updated version of a containerized test application to deploy. Your systems’ architecture team has started adopting a containerized microservice architecture. You are responsible for managing the containerized test web applications. You will first deploy the initial version of a test application, called echo-app to a Kubernetes cluster called echo-cluster in a deployment called echo-web.

Before you get started, open the navigation menu and select Cloud Storage. The last steps in the Deployment Manager script used to set up your environment create a bucket.

Refresh the Storage browser until you see your bucket. You can move on once your Console resembles the following:

Check to make sure your GKE cluster has been created before continuing. Open the navigation menu and select Kubernetes Engine > Clusters.

Continue when you see a green checkmark next to echo-cluster:

To deploy your first version of the application, run the following commands in Cloud Shell to get up and running:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials echo-cluster --zone=us-central1-a
kubectl create deployment echo-web
kubectl expose deployment echo-web --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8000

1.Check that there is a tagged image in for echo-app:v2

  • The echo-web.tar.gz file has already been copied to a Google Cloud Storage bucket called gs://[PROJECT_ID] during the lab provision. Navigate to Storage, confirm the file exists in the bucket. Then, click the file name and copy the URL of the file from its detail page.
  • Go to Cloud shell and write commands.
gsutil cp gs://sureskills-ql/challenge-labs/ch04-kubernetes-app-deployment/echo-web.tar.gz . tar -xvf echo-web.tar.gz
  • In the GCP Console go to Cloud Shell copy and paste the command.
  • It will tag image in for echo-app:v2
gcloud builds submit --tag$DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID/echo-app:v2 .
  • In the GCP Console go to Cloud Shell copy and paste the command.
  • Configuration as follow:

Cluster Name: echo-cluster

Zone: us-central1-a

gcloud container clusters get-credentials echo-cluster --zone us-central1-a 

2. Echo-app:v2 is running on the Kubernetes cluster

  • In the GCP Console go to Cloud Shell copy and paste the command.
  • It will create an application image with a v1 tag that has been pushed to the repository
kubectl create deployment echo-web kubectl expose deployment echo-web --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8000

3.The Kubernetes cluster deployment reports 2 replicas.

  • In the GCP Console go to Cloud Shell copy and paste the command.
 kubectl scale deploy echo-web --replicas=2

4.The application must respond to web requests with V2.0.0

  • In the GCP Console go to Cloud Shell copy and paste the command.
kubectl edit deploy echo-web
  • Change the image version ‘v1’ to ‘v2’ by pressing “i”.
  • Save by esc -> Esc → “:wq”.

Congratulations! Done with the challenge lab.

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Thank you Stay Safe, Stay healthy.

Stay tuned till the next blog.

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Mayank Chourasia

Hey, My name is Mayank Chourasia. Currently I am working on SAP Utilities as a SAP ABAP Developer. I had written a blogs on SAP ISU, SAP ABAP, Google Cloud .